As a NICA Coach, you are assuming responsibility for your athletes’ well-being and character development. We know of no greater responsibility and no more rewarding position within the league.
There’s a lot of information involved in becoming a Coach. Don’t worry, we’ve got your back! Dedicated Coaching Resources and a Coach Support Specialist will guide you every step of the way.
Many of our Coaches found that what they received from being a NICA Coach far outweighs what they give! Having an impact on the physical development and character growth of our kids is deeply rewarding.
Not at all! Many of the best coaches across the NICA leagues had no experience when they started.
It doesn’t matter one bit! Your coaching certification will give you all the skills you need to be an effective coach. Don’t worry, you got this!
Well, that depends: Head Coaches, more. If you’re just helping out with practices, maybe a few hours per week in season. Our Coach Supporters will help you find the right level of engagement that works for you!
We’re here to help! We have dedicated Coach Support resources to guide you through the right information at the right time. Try not to be overwhelmed!
There are costs involved for Background Checks, licensing fees, etc but it varies by Coaching Level. Your Coach Support Contact can outline all the specifics for you.
Take it one step at a time! Lots of people see all the information for coaches and get overwhelmed. You may never want to be a Level 3 Head Coach & that’s perfectly fine! Get started & enjoy the journey to being a NICA Coach!
Great question! Keep In mind that our goal is youth development and mountain biking is the tool. The best Coaches are positive, reliable, committed, and passionate. The biking part is secondary.
Woohoo! The first step is to connect with our Coach Support Specialist who will be your guide throughout the process. Click one of the orange Contact Us buttons and you’re on your way!
Here you’ll find links to all the information and resources you’ll need to succeed as a NICA Coach. Your Coach Supporter Contact will help you navigate what information you need & when you need it!
We have Specialists dedicated to guiding you to become a Coach.
Here you'll find everything you need to get a team started.
A great resource for all the details and rules of running a team.
A knowledge hub for everything coaches need to succeed.
Specific information for each licensing level.
All sorts of deals on bikes & gear for Coaches!
Copyright 2020
Ohio Interscholastic Cycling League
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