Hop on the Stoke Boat

Ashton Gulledge created a mini-documentary about the Georgia NICA League that really captures the community aspect and sheer size of a NICA Race.

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It is hard to describe a NICA event weekend simply because there is nothing that rivals the magnitude and community one experiences. That being said we cannot wait to bring that level of mountain bike community to Ohio next Fall (2021)!

As we have progressed from the bid process to emerging league status one of the most common questions we encounter is “What is NICA?” Simply put, NICA (or National Interscholastic Cycling Association) is a national organization with statewide chapters that exist to create more opportunities for kids (6th-12th grade) to try out mountain biking. But it is far more than that. Events are more than just races. They are a chance for kids across the state to form a community in mountain biking through competition, trail advocacy, adventure programs, and much more. So what does an event look like?

Ashton Gulledge created a mini documentary about the Georgia NICA League that really captures the community aspect and sheer size of what an event is. Check it out and hop on the stoke boat for the 2021 OH NICA Launch. And if you boat overfloweth with stoke and you want to help be a part of the Ohio League contact us and let’s get started!

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